BBG SoCal Retreat 2017 – Santa Barbara, CA
The idea for the BBG Retreat started how most great things start, girlfriends chatting about wanting to get away! Having attended a few larger scale getaways and helped plan a few meet ups, I figured I could do this. I just needed to see if anyone else wanted to getaway as well!
When I first put the word out I was amazed at the response, everyone wanted to come and was as excited about it as I was! I found an amazing house in the Santa Barbara hills and booked it on the hope that I would fill the house with BBG Babes. And I did just that.
Our first BBG Fitness Retreat was an amazing success. Ladies from all over Southern California came together to hang out, laugh, workout, eat and relax. On our wine tour more than a few people asked us what we were celebrating and how we all meet. It was a blast to tell them we met through Instagram and not a single person took us seriously!
I am so grateful to all the ladies who came out, all the sponsors who supported us and to Kayla Itsines for creating the guides that fostered the community of women encouraging, building up, and cheering one another on.
Until the next one!
See More photos below!
Click on the links below to check them out!
Bare Republic @barerepublic
Bootay Bags @bootaybag_
Caia Beach Pillows @thestyleweaver
Cantik Swim @cantikswimwear
Chefs Cut @chefscutjerky
Chill By Will @chillbywill
Coola Sunscreen @coola_suncare
Core water @core
Crush Fit @crushfit
Ellie Activewear @ellieactivewear
Emerald Living @emeraldlivingmealprep
Emmy’s Organic @emmysorganics
EO Products @everyoneproducts
FRE Skin Care @freskincare
Hat Attack @hatattackny
Heavenly Organics @heavenlyorganics
Hello Hair @ohhellohair
JoJo’s Chocolate Bark @jojoschocolatebark
Justin’s @justins
Keep Cup @keepcup
Kodiak Cakes @kodiakcakes
Kopari Beauty @koparibeauty
Kula Kai Jewelry @kulakaijewelry
Kulani Kinis @kulanikinis
Lagoa Swimwear @lagoaswimwear
Lotus & Luna @shoplotusandluna
MB Swim @mb.swim
Mimosa Inc @mimosainc
Momentum Jewelry @momentumjewelry
Passion Planners @passionplanner
PipCorn @pipsnacks
Plum Wilde @plumwilde
Runa Tea @drinkruna
RX Bars @rxbar
Salt Water Girl @shopsaltwatergirl
Salty Mermaid @saltymermaidswim
Shape Activewear @shapeactivewear
Shore Brand @shorebrand
Swim Like A Mermaid @swimlikeamermaid
Takeya @TakeyaUSA
Wallaroo Hats @wallaroohats
Z Supply @zsupply_
Zennor Bikini @zennorbikini